All Entries in the "Marketing Blog" Category

The I Was There Case Study
Problem: I Was There was a company launched by a successful serial entrepreneur who remembered the Apollo 11 launch and wished he would have better commemorated it with pictures and proof he was there. As a result, he raised money based on a strategy to use Web and mobile technology along with advanced merchandising approaches […]

The Accanto Systems Case Study
Problem: Accanto Systems was a new company that had spun a division out of Sunrise Telecom. They sold protocol analyzers and large networking monitoring systems to Wireless and Wireline service providers. They needed to develop awareness about the new company and create more professional and effective sales tools. Lastly, their channel was not well-trained in […]

The My Estate Manager Case Study
Problem: was a new company that was focused on building the premier website in the industry for offering free information to people who recently lost a loved one and needed guidance on estate management. The business model was based around attracting service providers such as funeral homes, flower shops, etc., that paid a subscription […]
How to Ensure A World-Class Company Launch
A new high-tech startup had just received VC funding, completed their product and wanted to launch their company. They needed to develop awareness about the new company and create professional and effective sales tools. Also, their newly acquired channel was not trained yet on the new products and the channel partners were widely varied in […]

The HP Case Study
Problem: HP had over 90 product lines that were focused on the R&D market worldwide. They were getting complaints that customers were seeing too many single product seminars, webinars and ads. They wanted to consolidate their programs into a market-based, multi-divisional program. I was the first employee hired into a U.S. Marketing center and tasked to prototype […]
New Approaches in Marketing that Yield Results
While the challenges that we face in marketing may be old, the way we approach them has drastically changed in the last two years. The usage of the internet for information has not only increased, it has taken a large leap forward. Bellandi Group South has a large portfolio of clients that span a broad […]
Can you afford marketing? Can you afford not to?
At The Bellandi Group, we understand how tempting it is to cut back on advertising and promotions when times are tough. But consider this: Well-spent marketing dollars pay off by pulling in new customers and encouraging former clients to return.
The New Digital Marketing Agency
With the fall of traditional advertising/branding agencies, the market has seen a shift. Some of the traditional firms have steadily declined due to their failure to adapt and the decrease in large branding spends. Some of the new Internet marketing companies have failed to step up to the challenge of providing compelling branding and messaging. […]